Concert in the park – September 15 @ 7pm
Reminder: Your Vehicle Sticker Expires June 30th
Vehicle stickers are due by June 30 of each year and must be displayed on your windshield in the lower passenger side before July 1.
On July 1, sticker fees double.
Do I need a Vehicle Sticker?
- Anyone who lives in the Village or houses a car in the Village is required to purchase a sticker.
- If your car is registered, leased, or a company car – you still need a vehicle sticker.
- If you just moved in, you have 30 days to purchase your sticker at the sale price.
- Vehicle stickers are not transferable from one town to another.
Why do I need a Vehicle Sticker?
- Vehicle stickers help our Police patrol your neighborhood and know who belongs.
- The stickers are an important part of keeping you safe. Vehicles are checked nightly to make sure no unwanted vehicles are in your neighborhood.
- The police have also been known to contact homeowners (through the vehicle sticker system) to notify you that your garage door has been left open or make sure you are okay.
- Vehicle stickers are not used as permission to park on the street.
How do I purchase a Vehicle Sticker?
- Vehicle stickers are available at the Village Hall.
- New Vehicles: To purchase a sticker for a vehicle that has never had a vehicle sticker for Willow Springs, you must bring your vehicle registration into the Village Hall. Once your vehicle is entered in our vehicle sticker system, you do not need to bring in your registration every time. You will receive a renewal notice in the mail, instead.
- Existing Vehicles: If you have previously purchased a sticker for your vehicle, you must bring in your renewal card you received in the mail. This card is required to purchase your sticker.
- Reminder: Stickers are NOT available by mail
What if I lost my Renewal Card?
- Bring your Vehicle Registration to the Village Hall to buy a sticker.
How much do they cost on or before June 30?
- Passenger Car or SUV – $30
- Motorcycle – $30
- Trucks A & B Class – $47.50
- Trucks D & E Class – $75
- Trucks F & V Class – $120
- RV – Motor Home – $50
- Antique Plates – $10
- Limo – $75
- Senior Citizens – 1 free per household
- Transfer Sticker – $1
How much do they cost on or after July 1?
- Passenger Car or SUV – $60
- Motorcycle – $60
- Trucks A & B Class – $95
- Trucks D & E Class – $150
- Trucks F & V Class – $240
- RV – Motor Home – $100
- Antique Plates – $20
- Limo – $150
- Senior Citizens – 1 free per household
- Transfer Sticker – $1
Seniors 65+ receive one FREE sticker per household.
June 5, 2023 Special Board Meeting
The Special Board meeting of the Willow Springs Village Board will be held at Village Hall located at 1 Village Circle on June 5, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
Click here for Agenda
Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing – June 1, 2023
Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing will be held on June 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Willow Springs Village Hall, 1 Village Circle, Willow Springs, IL