New WSPD Twitter Platform

You can now follow the Willow Springs Police Department on our new Twitter platform for current police events or activities within the village. Our private Twitter feed will be the only primary source for official and trusted information at:



Please remember to be extremely cautious when accessing social media sites as there are millions and millions of fake and inauthentic accounts out there. According to Social Media Catfish, LLC there are over 60 million fake Facebook accounts, which according to Facebook they block millions of fake accounts everyday. On Twitter, there are over 48 million fake accounts along with over 24 million fake Instagram accounts, so BE CAREFUL WHO YOU COMMUNICATE WITH!

Looking forward to keeping our community up-to-date with current events — @willowspringspd

Stay safe,

Jim Ritz

Chief of Police

Snow Plowing

Snow Plowing Schedule:

  1. First, main streets and main intersections are plowed and salted.
  2. Next, public facilities, public parking and sidewalks for residents and school children.
  3. Then, side streets and cul-de-sacs are cleared.
  4. Finally, alleys are cleared.

This prioritization allows the Village to provide plowing service in the safest, most efficient manner.


    • Ordinance 3-O-2008 and Title 11, Chapter 5D, Section 2(B) of the Village Code Book
    • “It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on any public street in the Village at any time within twelve (12) hours after a snowfall of two inches (2”) or more has occurred.”
  • Public Works cannot be called to clear private property or driveways. Please be courteous to your neighbors and motorists; do not shovel snow back into the streets.

Please read the information sheet below

Winter Season Fact Sheet