Thank You Willow Fest 2022 Sponsors

All Around Amusement, Inc.
Grand Prairie Transit
Gold Rush Amusements
Justice-Willow Springs Water Commission
Keith’s Cartage & Excavating
Kustom Towing Inc.
Nino’s Italian Beef and Hotdogs
Novotny Engineering
Steak ‘N Egger
Teamsters Joint Council No. 25
Township of Lyons
Tressler LLP
Sandi Auto & Truck Repair, Inc.
Argo Roofing Company
Breaker Press
Imperial Oak
Louis F. Cainkar
Rowell Chemical Corporation
Storino, Ramello & Durkin
Elite Group
Gigi’s Place
Liuna Local 225
Mo’s Willow Pub and Grub
Old Willow Center
Pizza 750
Pleasant Dale Park District
Senator John Curran
Willow Florist Shop
Willow Springs Friendly Tap
Bower Woods
Gregory & Arlene Lauriano
Karl & Martine Lehtinen
My Way Café
Remax Market
Sinnott Tree Service

Notice of Public Hearing

Public Hearing on 2022 Budget will be held on Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room at the Willow Springs Village Hall, 1 Village Circle, Willow Springs, IL 60480.

This meeting will be held in person, however, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the public and officials will have the option of joining via ZOOM. If you wish to participate in the meeting via ZOOM, you may use the following meeting code: 851 3313 6935 passcode 036341 or you may attend by telephone by calling 1-312-626-6799.

Agenda 01-13-2022 Public Hearing