Address: 8261 Willow Springs Road
Telephone: (708) 839-3027
Public Works Director
Keith Grantland
The services provided by the Public Works Department are essential for maintaining a secure and modern lifestyle. Our goal is to preserve public improvements by investing in our infrastructure before the onset of major problems. The Willow Springs Department of Public Works is dedicated to working as a team to ensure our residents receive the highest quality of services today and in the future.
Some of the many annual programs provided by the Public Works Department include:
- Street Repair and Maintenance
- Spring Branch Chipping Program
- Snow Plowing
- Park Site Maintenance
- Sewer Maintenance
- Street Sign Maintenance
- Fall Leaf Collection Program
Branch Chipping
Public Works branch chipping season runs from the beginning of May to the end of September.
In order to provide service to all Village residents, branch chipping is limited to 10 minutes per residence.
The intention of the the branch chipping program is to provide chipping from residents’ routine tree maintenance and pruning, not to remove partial or entire trees. Branches should be no more than 3 inches in diameter and no longer than 6 feet. Place branches in the easement of your property with the butt end of the branches facing the street. Branches cannot be placed in the street; violators will be ticketed.
Yard Waste cannot be mixed with your branch piles. Any branch piles containing yard waste WILL NOT be chipped by Public Works.
All contractors hired to trim or remove full or portions of trees from your property are required to register with the Village and are responsible for the removal of all branches.
After September 30, the chipper equipment is broken down for preventive maintenance service. All remaining small branches can be disposed of as Yard Waste (see below). Larger branches should be stored inside your yard so they can be chipped in the spring.
Branch Schedule: (Weather-permitting)
Branches will be removed on the 1stand 3rd Mondays of each month from the residences South of the Des Plaines River.
Branches will be removed on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month from the residences North of the Des Plaines River.
Please have your branches at the easement by 7 a.m. on Monday.
Yard Waste Collection
Yard waste is collected by the garbage company April 1 through December 31 each year.
Public Works does not pick up yard waste. Yard waste must be placed in brown lawn waste bags with a yard waste sticker attached to each bag. These stickers are available for purchase at the Village Hall. Place the bag at the curb on your garbage day.
Yard Waste cannot be mixed with your branch and leaf piles that are for Public Works. Any branch or leaf piles containing yard waste WILL NOT be chipped or picked up by Public Works.
Grass Cutting
During the summer months Public Works equips its vehicles with grass cutting blades and equipment. Public Works maintains the Village properties and parks. The State is responsible for maintenance along Archer Ave. and La Grange Road, and Cook County maintains easements along German Church, 87th, Nolton Ave. and Wolf Road.
Leaf Pick-up
Public Works leaf pick-up season runs from October to December (or the first major snow fall, whichever is first).
There is no set schedule for leaf pick-up.
Do not pile leaves on any of the storm sewer inlets. This causes back ups in the system and as a result, flooding may occur.
Please try to place the leaves as close to the curb as possible. Large piles of leaves on the street are a potential safety hazard for vehicles and pedestrians.
Yard Waste and branches cannot be mixed with your leaf piles. Any leaf piles containing yard waste or branches WILL NOT be picked up by Public Works.
The parkway is that portion of the public right-of-ways that lies between the street pavement and the front property line. Parkway trees and sidewalks are generally located in this area behind the curb or road shoulder. Village maintenance of all parkways would be extremely costly and simply not practical. The Village maintains Parkway trees. The Village also repairs defective public areas. Property owners maintain grass cutting driveways aprons or service walks.
The Village is responsible for the maintenance of all park sites in order to provide our residents with recreational leisure enjoyment.
When the snow begins to fall, public works staff will begin salting and plowing main streets first. This is to ensure that emergency vehicles and school buses will be able to travel safely. Then, public parking and sidewalks will be cleared. Side streets and cul-de-saacs are plowed next, followed by alleyways.
Public Works cannot be called to clear private property or driveways.
Please be courteous to your neighbors and motorists; do not shovel snow back into the streets.
Parking on village streets is prohibited when snow levels reach 2 inches or more.
If you are having any type of drainage or sewer problems, please contact the Public Works Department immediately. Residents are responsible for the service lines. The village is responsible for the main line. If you are not sure where the problem lies, our staff will come out to make that determination.
Please remember not to put any foreign objects into your drainage system at home, e.g., paper towels, diapers, sanitary products and rags. In addition, do not introduce paint, motor oil, antifreeze or other hazardous chemicals or products into your drainage. These materials can be dangerous and cause backups in the sanitary sewer system.
Important Phone Numbers
Willow Springs Public Works does not have authority to do repairs/plow/maintain State or County roads. Please use the following phone numbers for concerns on State or County roads.
Cook County – 708-448-8006 (County Line Rd., German Church Rd., Nolton Ave., Wolf Rd., Willow Springs Rd., 87th St., 91st St.)
Illinois Dept. of Transportation – 847-705-4228 (La Grange Rd. and Archer Ave.)
If you have to do any type of digging it is important that you call J.U.L.I.E. first to get locations marked. Call 1-800-892-0123.
Used motor oil can be dropped off for recycling at Public Works, 8261 Willow Springs Road, at no charge, weekdays between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Public Works cannot accept paint, batteries, or tires.
Did You Know?
Public Works celebrates Earth day each year by sponsoring a Clean-Up Willow day in April. Volunteering for this event is a fun way to earn service hours for students. Participating in Earth Day clean up helps Mother Nature, your town, and earns you a fun lunch. Be “GREEN” and pitch in to beautify your community for two hours on a beautiful Saturday afternoon in Willow Springs. Volunteers are all treated to a lunch afterwards hosted by your friends at Public Works.
Annual Reports